Discover the complete program of the congress
09:00 - 10:30
10:30 - 11:30
12:30 - 13:30
PC 1. Building the Network of Sustainable Progress
David Simó
Editorial Director at El Canal Marítimo y Logístico Newspaper
María del Rosario Soto
President of the Port Authority of Almeria
Marta Pontes
Councillor for Economic Activities, Tourism, Internationalisation and Civil Protection in Matosinhos City Council
Manuel Arana
Director of Planning and Development in State Ports
Ricardo Barkala
President of the Port Authority of Bilbao
ET 1. Real 5G for a New Blue Economy: Use Cases in the Technological Forefront
Francisco Morcillo
Expert consultant in urban and territorial innovation
Francisco José Huidobro
Director of Digital Services at Orange
Antonio Castaño
General Manager at Sevilla City Office
Dani Caro
Chief Data Officer - Andalusian Tourism and Sports Data Office

Marc Calderó
Presenter and Journalist
María del Mar Vázquez
Mayor of Almería
Santiago Lafuente
CEO of Aqualia and Chairman of the StepbyWater alliance
Antonio Mena
Delegate for Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development of the Junta de Andalucía
Luis Martínez-Sicluna
General Secretary of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces
“The battle against climate change and water scarcity will be won or lost in the municipalities”
Juan Pablo Merino
Aqualia's Global Director of Communications and Public Affairs
María del Mar Vázquez
Mayoress of Almeria and President of the Commission for Sustainability, Environment, Rural Development and Fisheries FAMP
Yolanda Sáez
Secretary General of the Andalusian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FAMP)

13:30 - 15:30
15:30 - 16:30
PC 2. Green Sea Horizons
Esther Molina
Managing Director at Suncruise Andalucía
Javier Noriega
President of the Marine Maritime Cluster of Andalusia
Ignacio Del Río
Head of Assets at Ocean Capital Partners
José García
President Port Authority of Motril
Rafael Montero
Commercial Director at the Public Ports Agency of Andalucia

ET 2. Blue Digital Twins: Shaping the Future of Tourism
Adolfo Borrero
CEO at Aalto Consultants
Daniel Ignacio Rojas-Marcos
Head of Local Administration and Tourism Areas at ESRI
Héctor Fernández
CEO at Sensing Tools
Gonzalo La Rosa
Chairman of the FIWARE iHubs Committee
Sari Tolvanen
CEO at Ocean Eye

Water scarcity: the new normal? Water life cycle. An approach based on regulatory development and the deployment of solutions such as reuse, regeneration and desalination
José Luis Cobas
Communication Director of Cosentino
José Caparrós
President of Aguas del Almanzora, representing the National Federation of Irrigation Communities of Spain, FENACORE
Higinio Martínez
Director de Aqualia para Andalucía, Murcia y Canarias
Antonio Mena
Delegado Territorial de Agricultura, Pesca, Agua y Desarrollo Rural de la Junta de Andalucía
Estibaliz Martínez
Manager of Integral Water Management of Consentino

16:30 - 17:30
PC 3. Tomorrow's Ports: Innovation and Sustainability
Eva Miquel
Managing Partner at aWp Services
José Llorca
Head of the Innovation Area in Puertos del Estado
Emma Cobos
Director of Innovation and Business Strategy at the Port of Barcelona
María José Rodríguez
Director Marketing and Sales Energy Services at ACCIONA Energy
Gerardo Landaluce
President of Suncruise Andalucía
Antonio Bayo
Head of Planning Area in the Port Authority of Almeria
ET 3. The Smart Platform for Blue Destinations. PID
John Mora
Vice-president of the Smart Cities Commission and Coordinator of the Smart Tourism WG of Ametic
Toni Pérez
Mayor of Benidorm
Adrián Gómez
CIO Tourism and Sports Andalusia
José Antonio González
Business Intelligence Director at Innovasur

Water, a limited and limiting resource for the development of life and of strategic sectors
Delia García
Sustainability Director L'Oréal
Gustavo Ramírez
Plant Manager Alvalle - PepsiCo
Vicente Romero
President and founder of the International Circle of Hotel Managers and Executives (CIDH)
Marina Jiménez
Presidenta Young Water Professionals - YWP Spain
Bruno Martínez
Environment Director Mahou San Miguel
Clare Lopez
Chair of the WAS (Women Action Sustainability) Water Group, Managing Director at BRITA Iberia
Estibaliz Martínez
General Manager of Water Management at Consentino
Santiago Lafuente
CEO of Aqualia and Chairman of the StepbyWater alliance

17:30 - 18:30
PC 4. Green Sailing: Innovation in the Maritime Industry
Marilena Estarellas
Manager at ANBE
Tomás Azcárate
President of Marinas de España
Gonzalo Coterillo
President of ANBE
David de Haro
Director of Sustainability at Mundo Marino
José Ballester
Commercial Director at XOUVA 4.90
ET 4. Blue Data Spaces: La Revolución de los Datos en la Economía Azul
Daniel Iglesias
Research Director and Data Scientist at NECSTouR
Ana Moniche
Director of European Projects and International Networks in Turismo Andaluz
Dolores Ordóñez
Director at AnySolution
Jean Francois Cases
Associate Vice President and General Counsel at Amadeus
Vlaho Margaretic
Senior Tourism Advisor Specialist
Thermal Experiences - The Blue Dynamizer against Depopulation
ModeratorManuel Campos Velay
First Vice President of the Thermal Villages Network. Mayor of Cuntis
Catalina Herrero López
Mayor of Fortuna (Region of Murcia)
15:30 - 19:00
Internal meeting CPMR-Intermediterranean Commission Task Force on Culture and Sustainable Tourism
Organized by:CPMR-IMC with the support of the Ministry of Tourism and Exterior of Andalusian Government
15:30 - 16:30
Dialogue: Alliance for the Sea
AGAPA - Mares que saben
Marta Pascual
WestMED Assistance Mechanism | National Hub Spain
Gunter Pauli
Father of the concept of the Blue Economy, world leader in sustainability innovation
José Manuel Martínez
Director General of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Blue Economy. Junta de Andalucía
18:30 - 19:00
20:30 - 23:00
09:00 - 10:00
EN 1. Challenges and Opportunities of Renewable Energies and Clean Technologies in Environments facing Tourism
Lucía Segura
Head of Service of the Territorial Delegation of Economy, Finance, European Funds and Industry, Energy and Mines in Almeria
Rocío López
Head of the Environment Division at the Port of Huelva
Pedro Mayorga
CEO at Enerocean
Beñat Sanz
Head of Marine Energies at APPA Renovables
José María Arrúa
Minister of Tourism of Misiones
BE 1. Guardians of the Coast: Pioneering Practices for Sustainable Coasts
Amaia Rodríguez
CEO at Gravity Wave
Karlos Simón
CEO at Karlos Simón Viajes y Expediciones
Robin Degron
Director at Plan Bleu (UN Environment)
Emmi Lindqvist
Marine Biodiversity and Blue Economy Programme Assistant at IUCN
Juan Antonio Amengual
Mayor of Calviá Town Hall
Mercedes Pardo
CEO of the Spanish Maritime Institute
CU 1. Festivals, concerts and performing arts. Breaking the seasonality with Culture
Valeria Méndez
General Manager of EMTUR
Mariano Rodríguez
Managing Director at Mediapro Events
Diego Ferrón
CEO at Crash Music
Jacobo Camba
Tourism and blue economy consultant
Tony García
CEO Tony García Gastronomic Space
10:00 - 11:00
EN 2. Current Examples and Best Practices in Renewable Energy Integration
Nagore Urisandi Espinosa
Director and Founder at IN2DESTINATION Research and Consultancy
Xavier Font
Deputy Director General of Territorial Tourist Development at the Generalitat de Catalunya
Walter Vassallo
Founder at Blue Marina Awards
Jesús Parrilla
Engineer and Co-Founding Partner at Albedo Solar SL
BE 2. Blue Technology: Revolutionizing the Management of Coastal Destinations
Álvaro Carrillo de Albornoz
Director at ITH (Hotel Technological Institute)
Ignacio Llopis
Director at IoTsens
Alexandre Pereira
Secretario Municipal do Turismo de Fortaleza
Michele Colavito
Cluster Manager at Tourism Clust-ER
Verónica Gutiérrez
Director General of Innovation, Digital Transformation and Modernization in the Santander City Council

CU 2. Blue Economy and Mediterranean Diet: Sustainable Innovation in Coastal Gastronomy
Esteban Herrera
Responsible for European Projects and International Networks in Andalusian Tourism
Víctor M. Gómez
CEO en Escaramujo Wines
Xanti Elías
CEO at Xanti Elías Group
José María Vázquez
Marketing/Communication/International Trade Management in SALAZONES HERPAC SL
Gaspar Ros
Professor of Food Technology, Nutrition, and Bromatology at the University of Murcia
09:00 - 11:00
09:00 - 10:00
Round Table ICC: “Green and Digital Transition of Blue Municipalities”
Organized by:ALMERIA2030, Almeria City Council and Intelligent Cities Challenge Initiative (ICC)
10:00 - 11:00
Local Seminar ICC “The Challenge of Smart Cities”
Organized by:ALMERIA2030, Almeria City Council and Intelligent Cities Challenge Initiative (ICC)
11:00 - 11:30
11:30 - 12:30
EN 3. Future Visions: Driving Innovation and Sustainable Energy Projects in Tourism
Jeremy Fosse
Director at Eco-Union
Alfredo Alcayde
Engineer and doctorate from the University of Almeria
Ximo Masip
Co-Founder, Dir Business & Projects at ImpactE
Sergio Maciel
General Director of Statistics and Market Research of the Ministry of Tourism of Misiones
BE 3. Responsible Luxury: Reinventing Exclusivity in Harmony with the Sea
Inmaculada Benito
Director of the Department of Tourism, Culture and Sport of CEOE
Natalia Ortiz
Head of Tourism at UNE (Spanish Association for Standardisation)
José Palacios
President of ADEAC (Association for Environmental and Consumer Education)
Daniel Schaffer
CEO at Foundation for Environmental Education
Miguel Mirones
President of ICTE
Sacramento Sánchez
Councillor Delegate for Public Works, Maintenance, Accessibility and the Blue Economy
CU 3. From the Sea to your Plate: The Sustainable Aquaculture Revolution
Pablo Ávila
Technician Agricultural and Fisheries Management Agency of Andalucia
Roberto Rodríguez
Blue Economy Coordinator at INTEC
María Isabel Sáez
CEI·Mar Coordinator
Héctor Pula
Responsible Technician at Aula del Mar CEI-Mar
Eduardo Soler
Head of Sustainability at AVRAMAR Group
Emotional and Sustainable Impact of Nautical and Cruise Tourism in Andalusia
Organized by:OBSERTUR Cruises & Maritime
Carlos Rubio
General secretary of Suncruise Andalucía
Esther Molina
Manager of Suncruise Andalucía
José Ignacio Castillo-Manzano
Research Foundation of Universidad de Sevilla
12:30 - 13:30
13:30 - 15:30
15:30 - 16:30
IS 1. Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change: Achieving Island Resilience
Iolanda Piedra
President in Balearic Islands Maritime Cluster
Darejan Kapanadze
Senior Environmental Specialist at The World Bank
Giulia Ballestracci
Project and tourism policy manager at Eco-Union
Irini Barianaki
EU Project Manager in the South Aegean Region and the South Aegean Development Agency
BE 4. Planes de Seguridad y Salvamento en Playas
Virginia Yuste
Coordinator of the Blue Flag programme at ADEAC (Association for Environmental and Consumer Education)
Miguel Méndez
Advisor to the Beach Area of Málaga City Council
Antonio Pacheco
Inspector in charge of Beaches in Sagunto Local Police
José Archer
President of ABAAE (Environmental Education for Sustainability)
José Luis Rodríguez
Councillor for Security in San Martín de Valdeiglesias Town Council
16:30 - 17:30
IS 2. Success Models: Pioneer Projects in Islands
Ignacio Ojeda
Prezero Eastern Andalucía Director
Luca Larossa
NaTour4CChange Project
Anastasios Baltadakis
Responsible for marine life experiences at Blutopia Marine Park
Ioannis Mardikis
Senior Environmental Sustainability Specialist at EPLO (European Public Law Organization)
Carlos Orozco
Undersecretary of National Tourism Development of the Ministry of Tourism of Ecuador
BE 5. Intelligent Monitoring and Management of Beaches: Towards a New Sustainable Planning
Ginesa Martínez
Vice-Dean of Tourism and Director of the International Chair of Tourism Intelligence of the Region of Murcia UCAM-ITREM
Verónica Gutiérrez
Director General of Innovation, Digital Transformation and Modernisation at Santander City Council
Patricia Giménez
Director of Beaches Barcelona Cicle de l'Aigua at the Barcelona City Council
Mónica Gómez
Employment and Local Development, Beaches, Environment and Sustainability
Cándido Seba
Responsible for the City of Rota Platform
Bárbara Blaudt
Director of Tourism Planning, Intelligence, Innovation and Competitiveness in the Government of Brazil
17:30 - 18:30
IS 3. Blue Horizon: Future Visions for Sustainable Islands
Adriana Salazar
Blue Economy Expert at Union For The Mediterranean
Teresa Agovino
Tourism Expert - Global Tourism Barometer at UN Tourism
Pere Joan Planas
Director at AETIB (Agency for Tourism Strategy of the Balearic Islands)
Mudrik Ramadhan
Ministry for Tourism & Heritage Government of Zanzibar
BE 6. Beach waste management: Innovation for a sustainable coastline
Antonio Urdiales
Councillor for Environmental and Energy Sustainability in Almeria City Council
Mesut Önem
Head of the Department of Environmental Protection and Control in Kocaeli Municipality
Jorge González
Technician Head of the Planning, Budget and European Funds Department of Ribeira Town Council
Patricia Lacera
Coordinator of the Barcelona Beach Strategy at Barcelona City Council
Alejandro Rodríguez
Operations Manager for Andalusia in Acciona

18:30 - 19:30
Internal Event NaTour4CChange Project: Reconnecting Tourism and Nature Towards Climate Resilient Mediterranean Coastal Destinations
Organized by:NaTour4CChange Project
Tourism Proposals HACKATHON
Organized by:WestMED Initiative
09:00 - 10:00
FI 1. BLUE Financing Opportunities
Yasmin Schinasi
Policy Officer for Regional Cooperation and Maritime Security at the European Commission
Axel Rodríguez
Project Officer at the Joint Secretariat of the Interreg Euro-MED Programme
Elena Barrios
Technical Adviser at the Ministry of Finance
Vincent Ernoux
Coordinator at the Regional Office in Interreg NEXT MED for the Western Mediterranean
Javier Remiro
Coordinator of the Sustainable Blue Economy Area at Fundación Biodiversidad
HO 1. The Social Role of the Hospitality Industry: Innovation and Sustainability in the Hospitality Industry for the Blue Economy
Jorge Serrano
Secretary General at CIDH
Javier Zori
Director in National Geographic Travel
Gloria Juste
Global Sustainability Director at Palladium Group
Marcos Alonso
Director General in Hotel Barceló Cabo de Gata
Beatriz Codes
Associate Director of Public Affairs, Communication and Sustainability Area South in Coca Cola European Partners Iberia

SP 1. Beyond the Goal: Sports Events as Catalysts for Blue Tourism
Ignacio de las Cuevas
Director of Tourism Innovation and Strategy at Andart Global
Beatriz Beeckmans
The Ocean Race Ocean Policy Communications Manager en The Ocean Race
Kianoosh Mehrabi
Member of the Board of the International Rafting Federation (IRF)
Luis Alberto Guillén
Director General of the General Directorate of Tourism Strategy at the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism of Peru
Antonio Jesús Casimiro
Councillor Delegate for the Active City, Urban Mobility and Sports Area
10:00 - 11:00
FI 2. Examples and Best Practices in Blue Funded Projects
Vincent Ernoux
Coordinator at the Regional Office in Interreg NEXT MED for the Western Mediterranean
Alejandro Pérez
Director of the Central Services of Salinas Research at the University of Cadiz
María Dolores Guedes
Spokesperson for PESCATOBAL
Thanos Smanis
Synergies and Networking for Sea Basins Assistance Mechanism
HO 2. Green Construction and Operations in the Hotel Sector
Jorge Serrano
Secretary General at CIDH
Lisa Simone
Director of Programmes World Ocean Council
Francisca García
CEO at Casa 1800

SP 2. Green Fairways: Golf as a Catalyst for Sustainability and Economic Development
ModeratorKiko González
Manager Almeria Sports Destination
David Gómez
Green Section Director at RFEG
Miguel Navarro
General Secretary and Manager of the Royal Andalusian Golf Federation
Francisco Javier Mendoza
Director at Playa Serena Golf Course
Jerónimo De Burgos
Director of the Sustainable Tourism Chair at the University of Almería
Adapting the theoretical framework of the circular economy to the tourism sector
Juan Francisco Velasco
+ 3 coauthors
University of Almería
Exploring Sustainable Tourism: A Bibliometric Analysis of Pro-Environmental Behavior of Tourists over Three Decades
Elena Carvajal
+ 3 coauthors
University of Huelva
Analysis of digitization of small Blue Tourism companies
Natalia Hustova
+ 3 coauthors
University of Málaga
Unlocking the Potential of the Blue Economy: EU tourism policies and funding for sustainable growth
Issa Torres
+ 1 coauthor
Universidad Europea de València
Creating quantitative scenarios for the diagnosis of coastal destinations in the society-environment conflict. Practical case on the Palo neighborhood, Málaga
Alberto Sánchez
+ 1 coauthor
Andalusian Institute of Research and Innovation in Tourism
Questions and Answers
11:00 - 11:30
11:30 - 12:30
FI 3. Financing the Future
Marta Pascual
Responsible for the Spanish hub in WestMED (Western Mediterranean Initiative)
Vincent Favrel
DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Head of Unit « Sustainable Blue Economy » at CINEA
Inmaculada Aguado-Muñoz
Head of the Support Unit of the Directorate General of Tourism Policies - Secretary of State for Tourism
Vincent Ernoux
Coordinator at the Regional Office in Interreg NEXT MED for the Western Mediterranean
Esther Chacón
State Research Agency
HO 3. Green Marketing and Market Strategies for Sustainable Hotels
Jorge Serrano
Secretary General at CIDH
Francisca Molina
Andalusia Delegate at DIRSE
Juan Manuel Martínez
Managing Director en Green & Human
Paco Calvache
General Manager at Playas y Cortijos Group
Vicente Romero
Presidente of CIDH

SP 3. Blue Sport: Local Development Opportunities
Ignacio de las Cuevas
Director of Tourism Innovation and Strategy at Andart Global
Jordi Carrasco
General Manager ANEN
Elisabet González
Head of the Technical Tourism Office at Barcelona Provincial Council
Marc Espasa
Coordinator of tourist and cultural services at Salou City Council
Marta Nel-lo
Director of the Salou-Costa Daurada Chair of Innovation and Tourism Research at the URV

*Provisional program