Sun&Blue Congress

General conditions

SUN&BLUE Congress

SUN&BLUE Congress


1. Personal Data Protection Policy

1.1.- In compliance with the provisions of the European Regulation for the Protection of Personal Data 679/2016 of April 27, the user accepts the inclusion of the data collected while browsing the Portal, or provided by filling in any form that in it, as well as those derived from any commercial relations that may be generated, during the data collection process, and in that place of the Portal in which they are requested, the user will be conveniently informed through a hyperlink or through the inclusion of the information in the form itself, the obligatory nature or not of the collection of such data for the provision of services as well as the present rights.

1.2.- User Rights: The user may exercise, with respect to the data collected, the rights recognized in the aforementioned European regulation 679/2016 and in particular the rights of access, rectification, cancellation or deletion of data and opposition, as well as the of portability and limitation of treatment in your case.

1.3.- Security measures: In accordance with article 25.2 of the aforementioned European Regulation, EVENTISIMO has adopted the appropriate technical and organizational measures to guarantee that, by default, only necessary personal data is processed.

1.4.- Cookies: The use of cookies through the Portal will be governed by the provisions of the Cookies Policy accessible at all times from the Portal, forming part of this Legal Notice.

2. Industrial and Intellectual Property. Hyperlink Policy

2.1.- All the contents included in the Portal and in particular the trademarks, trade names, industrial designs, designs, texts, photographs, graphics, logos, icons, software or any other signs susceptible to industrial and commercial use are protected by copyright. industrial and intellectual property of EVENTISIMO or third-party owners thereof who have authorized their inclusion in the Portal. Therefore, any use and/or reproduction thereof is prohibited without the express consent of EVENTISIMO.

2.2.- EVENTISIMO will not be responsible for the infringement of the intellectual or industrial property rights of third parties that may derive from the inclusion in the Portal of trademarks, trade names, industrial designs, designs, texts, photographs, graphics, logos, icons or software belonging to third parties who have declared their ownership by including them in the Portal.

2.3.- In no case will it be understood that the access and navigation of the User implies an authorization or that a resignation, transmission, total or partial assignment of said rights is made or the granting of any right or expectation of right and specifically, of the alteration, transformation, exploitation, reproduction, distribution or public communication of said contents without the prior express authorization of EVENTISIMO or the corresponding owners.

The use of the EVENTISIMO brands by exhibitors, partners, the media, members of the Community, etc. in the corresponding shows in their catalogues, brochures, commercial documentation, website or in any other way must be expressly authorized by EVENTISIMO.

2.4. No link to the Portal may be established from any other website without the prior and express consent of EVENTISIMO.

The links that are established must be made to the Portal or, where appropriate, to that page that EVENTISIMO establishes, said link being absolute and complete in such a way that it takes the User to the Portal that must completely cover the entire extension of the main page screen.

2.5. EVENTISIMO will not be responsible for the content of the destination web pages that are established through links on the Portal nor for the infringements of third-party rights in which said pages may incur.

3. Responsibility of EVENTISIMO

EVENTISIMO declares that it has adopted the necessary measures that, within its possibilities and the state of technology, allow the proper functioning of its Website and avoid any error in the contents that appear on the Website. However, EVENTISIMO is not responsible for damages of any nature that may be caused on the Website and is not responsible for:

a) the continuity and availability of the content and services

b) the absence of errors in said content or the correction of any defect that may occur

c) the absence of viruses and/or other harmful components

d) the damages caused by any person who violates the security systems of EVENTISIMO.

EVENTISIMO may temporarily suspend, without prior notice, access to the Portal for maintenance, repair, updating or improvement operations. However, whenever circumstances allow, EVENTISIMO will notify the User, sufficiently in advance, of the scheduled date for the suspension of the services.

4. Obligations of the User

The User undertakes to use the contents of the portal in a diligent, correct and lawful manner and undertakes to refrain from:

a) Use the contents for purposes or effects contrary to the law, morality and good customs or public order.

b) Reproduce, copy, distribute, allow public access through any form of public communication, transform or modify the contents, unless the corresponding authorization from the owner is obtained.

c) Use the contents of the portal to send advertising, communications for direct sales purposes or for any other kind of commercial purpose, unsolicited messages addressed to a plurality of people regardless of their purpose, as well as to refrain from marketing or disclosing such information in any way.

5. Commercial communications

EVENTISIMO and the companies in Annex 1 may send commercial communications by any means with full respect for the legislation that is in force regarding the protection of personal data.

For commercial communications made through email and in compliance with the provisions of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, the consent of the User will be duly obtained.

The User may revoke the consent given to the receipt of personal communications at any time by simply notifying EVENTISIMO of his will by sending an email to the address:

6. Applicable law

The relations established between the User and the owner of the Portal will be governed by the provisions of the current regulations regarding the applicable legislation and the competent jurisdiction. However, for cases in which the regulations provide for the possibility for the parties to submit to a jurisdiction, EVENTISIMO and the User, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, submit to the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid.

In any case, the rules of the Spanish Legal System will be applicable.


1.- These General Conditions of Contract together with the particular conditions that, if applicable, will expressly regulate the relations that arise between EVENTISIMO and the exhibitors that contract the services offered through the Portal.

2.- These General Conditions have been prepared in accordance with the provisions of Law 7/1998 on General Conditions of Contract, Law 3/2014 of March 27, General Law for the defense of Consumers and Users, Law 7 /1996 of Retail Trade Regulation and, where appropriate, by Law 34/2002, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce.

3.- The provision of any of the Portal services implies the User's acceptance of each and every one of the General Conditions of Contract, the General Conditions of Use of the Portal, as well as, where appropriate, the Particular Conditions that govern the provision of the service. The acceptance of the registration, supposes everything related to the registrations in the Congress and what is stipulated in the privacy policy.

4.- EVENTISIMO informs that the procedures to carry out the provision of the services offered are those described in these conditions and those that are indicated on the screen that refers to each specific service so that the User has access to said information in a truthful manner. , effective and complete with a minimum of three days prior to contracting the service and declaring said User that he knows and accepts said procedures as necessary to obtain the provision of the corresponding service.

5. The contracts entered into through this Portal will be governed by Spanish legislation, which will be applicable to what is not included in these conditions in terms of interpretation, validity and execution.

However, for cases in which the regulations provide for the possibility of the parties appearing in a certain jurisdiction, EVENTISIMO and the User submit to the Courts and Tribunals of Seville and expressly waive any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them.

ANNEX 1 - Entities that may send commercial information.