Technical Committee - Sun&Blue Congress


María del Mar Plaza
María del Mar Plaza

Manager of M.C. ALMERIA 2030 SAU (Almería City Council)

Virginia Yuste
Virginia Yuste

Vice President of the Association for Environmental and Consumer Education - ADEAC.

José Manuel Lastra
José Manuel Lastra

1st Executive Vice President of the Spanish Confederation of Travel Agencies - CEAV

Pilar Guerra
Pilar Guerra

Manager of DestinoVera

Ginesa Martínez
Ginesa Martínez

Director of the International Chair of Tourism Intelligence, Region of Murcia

Francisco García
Francisco García

President - Business Association Cabo de Gata-Níjar Natural Park – ASEMPARNA

Belén Hidalgo
Belén Hidalgo

Head of the Innovation Area of ​the Tourism Institute of the Region of Murcia (ITREM)

Pedro Barrionuevo
Pedro Barrionuevo

Director of Tourism and Business Development at Tourism and Planning Costa del Sol

Amaia Rodríguez
Amaia Rodríguez


Rocío Reinoso
Rocío Reinoso

Technical Advisor - General Secretariat for External Action, European Union, and Cooperation

Jerónimo de Burgos
Jerónimo de Burgos

Director of the Sustainable Tourism Department of the University of Almeria

Francisco Morcillo
Francisco Morcillo

Urban Planning and Innovation Consultant

Juan Castro
Juan Castro

Manager of the Cluster of Innovative Companies for Tourism of the Valencian Community - ADESTIC

Esperanza Fitz
Esperanza Fitz

President of ANSEMAC - Andalusian Association of Women Entrepreneurs in Environment, Circular and Blue Economy

Nacho Dean
Nacho Dean

Naturalist, professional explorer and popularizer

Sacramento Sánchez
Sacramento Sánchez

Delegate Councillor for Public Works, Maintenance, Accessibility and Blue Economy area

Santi Mier
Santi Mier

Co-founder & CEO of Ocean52

Jorge Castro
Jorge Castro

Technical Secretary of the Tourism Commission of the FEMP, Technical Secretary of the network of Thermal Villages

Alejandro Mullor
Alejandro Mullor

Worldwide Public Sector Industry Advisor, Tourism Lead at Microsoft

Vicente Romero
Vicente Romero

Founder - President of the International Circle of Hotel Directors CIDH

Francisco de Haro
Francisco de Haro

President of the Observatory of Intelligent Tourism in the Mediterranean - OTIM

Eduard Centelles
Eduard Centelles

President of the Spanish Federation of Underwater Activities – FEDAS