Speakers 2023
SUN&BLUE Congress

Arnau Teixidor
Ecosystem Resilience & Spatial Planning Programme Officer - International Union for the Conservation of Nature - IUCN
Thursday, November 16 - 14:30h.
Coastal and maritime tourism is one of the most important economic sectors of the blue economy. It enables the creation of jobs and the socio-economic development of destinations, but at the same time it contributes to global warming, fragilizes vulnerable ecosystems, and can generate tensions with local communities. It is therefore necessary to properly plan and manage blue tourism through inclusive and participatory mechanisms, nature-based services and solutions, and responsible and sustainable business models. In this session, the Blue Tourism initiative, led by two of the most innovative entities in this field, will be presented. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), formed by governmental and civil society organizations, and the ECO-UNION association, a think tank and action center for environmental sustainability in in the Euro-Mediterranean region.