150 speakers participate in Sun&Blue, the international congress on tourism and blue economy to be held in Almeria
Theresa Zabell, considered the best sailor of the 20th century, president of Ecomar Foundation and Sun&Blue ambassador, will open the congress with an inspirational speech.
Published at 1 year ago
The Sun&Blue Congress, destined to be the most important congress on Tourism and Blue Economy in Europe, is finalizing the details of the scientific and social program to be held in the city of Almeria from November 15 to 17, 2023. Promoted by beon. Worldwide and sponsored by the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport of Andalusia, the City Council of Almeria, the Provincial Council of Almeria and the Ministry of Sustainability, Environment and Blue Economy of Andalusia, the event will be attended by 150 national and international experts and personalities from sectors such as tourism, sustainability and environment, innovation and technology.
The scientific program is designed to be developed through lectures and panel discussions. For this purpose, a main auditorium will be set up to host presentations such as Theresa Zabell, considered the best sailor of the twentieth century and president of Ecomar Foundation; Manuel Pleguezuelo, responsible for Blue Economy policies in the European Commission; Figen Ayan, president of MedCruise; Angel Bonet, president of Unltd Spain Foundation; or Clive Finlayson, director of the Museum of Gibraltar; among many others. There will also be three rooms that will operate in parallel and independently, each hosting its own specific agenda. All this will be completed with an area for networking and B2B meetings, an exhibition area, an outdoor dining area, as well as a partner room where the more than 25 associations and foundations that collaborate with Sun&Blue Congress will hold meetings, assemblies and parallel activities.
The opening of the congress will take place through the conference "And you, do you watch or help?" which will be given by Theresa Zabell, five times world champion and three times European champion in sailing; with 40 years of career in the world of sport, business and the environment; and ambassador of Sun&Blue. Currently, president of Ecomar Foundation and activist for the conservation and preservation of the oceans and marine habitats, the promotion of a healthy and sustainable lifestyle and environmental education to inspire future generations to love and respect the blue environment after winning the Queen Sofia Award twice, being awarded the Gold Medal of the Royal Order of Sporting Merit and the Grand Cross of the Royal Order of Sporting Merit; or having been vice-president of the Spanish Olympic Committee and MEP in the European Parliament, among others.
During this first day, the institutional inauguration is also expected, as well as addressing topics such as inland blue tourism; the tourist of the future; the impact of sustainability on the planet of the future; synergies between aquaculture and tourism; quality certifications; urban beaches; blue gastronomy; or the training of blue tourism leaders.
The second day of the Sun&Blue Congress will focus on blue economy and tourism strategies; blue tourism behind the scenes with National Geographic; sustainable mobility; the transformation of the cruise sector and ports; marine tourism; green and blue energy generation; the governance of tourist destinations; port vs. city integration; the legal framework of the coast; coastal heritage; sports as a factor of deseasonalization; smart blue tourism laboratories; waste management; hotels in natural areas; the WestMED initiative; and the success story of SOSTUR and its data science platform for sustainable tourism.
On Friday, the last day of the congress, the agenda will focus on topics such as conscious consumption among children; the European blue strategy; smart blue islands; innovation in sea museums; the impact of tourism on local communities; attracting talent to blue destinations; the technologies that will revolutionize tourism; and the effects of climate change on tourism. The congress will bid farewell to its first edition with the plenary session "Companies that grow with soul", led by Ángel Bonet, an expert in innovation and social impact, president of ImpactCo. and co-founder of Unltd Spain, the first social impact accelerator in Spain.
Social program
As for the social events that have been designed for the enjoyment of the congress participants, a Welcome Party is planned at the official congress hotel, the Barceló Cabo de Gata, which aims to bring together all attendees to get to know each other and have a comprehensive experience of what Almería has to offer while sharing a moment of leisure.
A visit to the Cathedral of Almeria and the Monastery of Las Puras is also expected, as well as a Gala Dinner.
This congress, which will be held annually, also proposes the development of a wide range of activities within the framework of the congress and in the following months, constituting an initiative of impact on the territory and promoting that Andalusia in general and Almeria in particular, enjoy activities of restoration of the blue environment, awareness for the local public and legacy for the territory. Highlights include the beach clean-up days that will be carried out in collaboration with the Ecomar Foundation; the training of more than 1,000 children in sustainability and healthy eating through the "Children eat the future" project of the Prenauta Foundation; and the development of a photographic exhibition of Cabo de Gata's natural resources by local artists.