Speakers 2024

Jorge González
Head Technician of the Planning, Budget and European Funds Department at the Ribeira City Council
- Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration (ADE) from the University of Vigo.
- Master’s Degree in Local Administration from USC/INAP.
- Executive Diploma from the Xunta de Galicia by the EGAP.
- Deputy to the General Comptroller, and member of the Technical Corps of General Administration at the Ribeira City Council, with over 20 years of experience.
- Comptroller of the Ribeira City Council for more than 7 years.
- Acting Comptroller of the Arousa Norte Municipal Association for over 2 years.
- Responsible for the economic planning of the Municipality, drafting its budgets for over 20 years.
- Coordinator and technical lead before the Ministry of Finance for the “RIBEIRA ATLANTICA 2015” Project, within the P.O. FEDER Galicia 2007-2013.
- Coordinator and technical lead before the Ministry of Finance for the Sustainable Urban Development Strategy (EDUSI) “more RIBEIRA ATLANTICA 2020”, within the P.O. FEDER for Sustainable Growth 2014-2020.
- Coordinator of the Innpulso Network.
- Coordinator of the Urban Agenda “Ribeira Atlántica.”
- Coordinator of the Urban Initiatives Network and Smart Cities Network.
- Representative of the Ribeira City Council in the Innpulso Network pilot group for Public Procurement of Innovation.
- Coordinator of the Public Procurement of Innovation projects promoted by the Ribeira City Council:
- Ribeira, Sustainable Smart Village
- Smart Market of Ribeira
- Coordinator of European Funds.