Speakers 2024

Aeronautical Engineer by training and Executive MBA from Instituto de Empresa. IESE Innovation Program.
He began his professional career in the 90s in the field of aeronautical consulting, bringing a global perspective towards innovation, technology, and sustainability after 8 years at Endesa, in the R&D and corporate strategy departments, and 15 years in the tourism sector.
Since 2008, he has been the Director of the Hotel Technological Institute (ITH), focusing on improving the competitiveness of the hotel sector through innovation, sustainability, and technology. He also serves as the Director of the Technology Platform for Tourism, ThinkTur; President of the eAPyme association (for the digital transformation of SMEs and self-employed individuals); and as an Associate Professor in the strategy area at Instituto de Empresa.
Additionally, he collaborates as an expert with the European Commission in defining a European standard for R&D management in CEN/TC 389. He is a member of the Tourism Council, Sustainability Commission, Digital Agenda, and R&D+i Committees of CEOE and the working groups of UNE CTN 166 (Innovation Management), CTN 178 (Smart Cities), and CTN 182 (Hotels and Tourist Apartments).