Speakers 2023
SUN&BLUE Congress

Thursday, November 16 - 09:00h.
The European WestMED Initiative (WestMED Initiative) is the European Sea basin initiative that brings together the countries bordering the Western Mediterranean, including Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, Malta, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Mauritania. This initiative seeks to promote cooperation on issues related to the sustainable development of the marine and coastal region of the Western Mediterranean. Within the framework of WestMED, and more specifically from its Spanish National Hub, work is being done to establish a National Maritime Tourism Network, whose main objective is to promote sustainable maritime tourism and the diversification of fishing activity towards other activities that promote the economic development of coastal and marine areas when, for various reasons, they cannot carry out their fishing activity. This network seeks to diversify fishing activities to promote authentic and environmentally friendly experiences. By doing so, it is intended to contribute to local economic development, the conservation of marine ecosystems and the promotion of fishing culture and tradition in the Western Mediterranean region. Hand in hand with this important initiative of the European Commission, we will learn about the importance of maritime tourism and all the development it is having at the European and national level. This session will serve to present 3 examples of Spanish companies and/or initiatives around Maritime Tourism, we will understand what they offer and what opportunities and barriers they have encountered when developing their activities.
Thursday, November 16 - 17:00h.
The European WestMED Initiative (WestMED Initiative) is the European Sea basin initiative that brings together the countries bordering the Western Mediterranean. It is the result of years of dialogue between ten countries in the Western Mediterranean region involved in the ‘5+5 Dialogue’: five EU Member States (France, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Malta) and five Southern partner countries (Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco and Tunisia). These countries are ready and willing to work together on their shared interests for the region: increasing maritime security, promoting sustainable blue growth and jobs, and preserving ecosystems and biodiversity. The Initiative builds on the European Commission’s long experience in macroregional and sea basin strategies (such as the Atlantic Strategy, the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region and the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region). It also builds on other EU policies linked to the region, such as the priorities of the European Neighborhood Policy Review and the recent Communication on international negotiations in the Western Mediterranean. The session will explain what the WestMED Initiative is, what are the work areas and activities carried out so far and will present what opportunities for collaboration and financing for blue economy exist.