Sun&Blue Congress

Speakers 2023

SUN&BLUE Congress

José María Reyes

José María Reyes

Ports Business Development - Endesa

Thursday, November 16 - 10:00h.


The production of green and blue energy is emerging as a key factor in blue tourism, playing a crucial role in the sustainability and attractiveness of coastal and maritime destinations. The use of renewable and sustainable energy sources not only reduces the environmental impact of tourism activities but completes the backbone and enhances the attractiveness of these destinations. The possibility of experiencing an environment that embraces ecological and sustainable practices not only attracts conscious travellers, but also creates a positive and avant-garde image of the destination as a whole. Green and blue energy do not only transform the way tourism operates, but also establish a higher standard of responsibility and commitment to the preservation of marine ecosystems, creating an enriching and conscious tourism experience for travellers seeking to connect with nature and a sustainable future.