Speakers 2023
SUN&BLUE Congress

Friday, November 17 - 10:00h.
The coastal heritage stands as a key driver in the impulse of blue tourism, since its natural and cultural wealth attracts travelers in search of authentic experiences and in harmony with the marine environment. Although in the past there was a debate on the restrictive protection of these resources, the general opinion of the scientific community has positively valued its sustainable integration into tourist activity. The scientific community advocates a balanced approach that considers both the conservation of ecosystems and the generation of economic interests through tourism. This perspective ensures long-term protection by encouraging investment in responsible practices, promoting environmental education, and promoting the active participation of local communities in coastal heritage management. The optimization of these resources, instead of their prohibition, emerges as a more effective path to safeguard their integrity and provide tourists with valuable and respectful experiences while stimulating the sustainable economic development of coastal regions. In this debate table we will discuss this perspective and the wealth of coastal heritage we have along the entire Mediterranean coast with leading figures in the fields of science and maritime conservation.