Sun&Blue Congress

Local Seminar ICC “The Challenge of Smart Cities”.

Organized by: ALMERIA2030, Almeria City Council and Intelligent Cities Challenge Initiative (ICC)

Date and Time

21 November
10:00h - 11:00h
Room 7 - FCC

Addressed to

Regional Government of Andalusia - Territorial Planning, Port Authority of Almeria, Provincial Council of Almeria, University of Almeria, Chamber of Commerce of Almeria, Association of Young Entrepreneurs, El Cable-Andalusia Open Future, Solar Platform of Almeria, PITA, ASEMPAL, Architects Association, Association of Higher Engineers of Almeria, Association of Quantity Surveyors, Association of Economists, etc.




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The City Council of Almeria wants to take advantage of the synergies of the “Intelligent Cities Challenge Initiative (ICC) of the European Commission and the Sun&Blue Congress to celebrate the II Local Seminar of the Initiative in Almeria in which all the key local actors of the city will participate, as well as the European experts designated by the program.

With the Smart Cities Challenge ICC, Almeria City Council becomes part of a program with the aim of promoting and accelerating the development of Almeria towards a sustainable, smart and green growth. Through this initiative, managed by Almeria2030, the green and digital transition of Almeria is being supported in six strategically important sectors, with a high degree of local influence: tourism, construction and built environment, energy and renewables, mobility and transport, and cultural and creative industries.

During the last year, the implementation of the initiative has been developed in Almeria with the constitution of a working group of international and local experts, the holding of a Local ICC Seminar with the participation of 45 local representatives from institutions, administrations, universities, the private sector, professional associations, etc., and the definition of five work areas in which Local Agreements for the Digital and Ecological Transition are being designed with different organizations and institutions of the city, as well as the definition of joint projects.

During the Local Seminar, the Local Agreements will be validated around the following topics: digital transition; energy efficiency and renewable energies; water, energy and food; capacity building for sustainable construction and urban environment; green infrastructure and biodiversity; blue economy and blue municipalities.


10.00-10.15h. ICC in Almeria and presentation of the objectives of the proposed Local Pacts.

María del Mar Plaza Yélamos. Manager Almería2030. 

10.15-10.30h. Values of the Blue Municipalities. The case of Almeria.

Antonio Jesús Casimiro Andújar. Councilman Delegate of Active City, Urban Mobility and Sports of Almeria.

10.30-10.45h. Workshop Dynamics: Objectives and Initiatives of the Local Pacts in Almeria.

Dynamics based on questions and answers through QR.

10.45-10.55h. Conclusions of the Workshop.

Josefina López Galdeano. Technical Manager Almeria2030 - coordinator ICC Almeria.

10.55-11.00h. Closing of the Seminar.

Antonio Jesús Casimiro Andújar. Councilman Delegate of Active City, Urban Mobility and Sports of Almeria.