Round Table ICC: “Green and Digital Transition of Blue Municipalities”

Organized by: ALMERIA2030, Almeria City Council and Intelligent Cities Challenge Initiative (ICC)
Date and Time
09:00h -
Room 7 -
Addressed to
Institutions, companies, sector professionals, national and international specialists and researchers.
5/50 pax
The City Council of Almeria wants to take advantage of the synergies of the “Intelligent Cities Challenge Initiative" (ICC) of the European Commission and the Sun&Blue Congress to hold a Round Table on ‘Green and Digital Transition of Blue Municipalities’ with the participation of representatives of the European Commission, ICC cities and the group of European experts appointed by the program.
The aim of the Round Table on “Green and Digital Transition of Blue Municipalities” is to present this initiative in its dimension of key process for European cities pursuing the double green and digital transition, and share synergies with the initiative promoted by the Andalusian Government and the City Council of Almeria of Blue Municipalities as well as present and share success stories of ICC cities that can be characterized as blue municipalities and working on this double transition.
With the ICC Smart Cities Challenge, the City Council of Almeria becomes part of ICC with the aim of promoting and accelerating the development of Almeria towards a sustainable, smart and green growth. Through this initiative, managed by Almeria2030, the green and digital transition of Almeria is being supported in five strategically important sectors with a high degree of local influence: tourism, construction and built environment, energy and renewables, mobility and transport, and cultural and creative industries.
09:00h. Welcome.
Amalia María Martín Giménez. Councilwoman Delegate of the Area of Presidency, Planning and European Projects of the City Council of Almeria.
09:10h. Introduction to the ICC Round Table.
María del Mar Plaza Yélamos. Manager Almería2030.
09:20h. The ICC program and its objectives.
Natalia Gkiaouri. Smart Cities Challenge Advisor, DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs of the European Commission.
Niklas Mischkowski. Director of Governance and Innovation, ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability.
09:30h. Round Table.
Moderator: Adolfo Borrero. Senior Advisor Sun&Blue.
Mar Recuna Mata. Manager of the Andalusian Maritime-Marine Cluster CMMA.
Aida García Mayor. Councilor Delegate of Finance, Contracting, European Funds, Innovation and Quality of Benidorm City Council.
Guillermo Massana Romero. Councilman delegate of Tourism, Hospitality, New Citizenship and Universities of Castelldefels City Council.
María Sacramento Sánchez Marín. Delegate Councilwoman of the Public Works, Maintenance, Accessibility and Blue Economy Area of the City Council of Almería.
09.55h. Conclusions and Closing.