Sun&Blue Congress

Seminar Intelligent Cities Challenge Initiative: “Ecological and Digital Transition of Blue Municipalities”.

Organized by: ALMERIA2030, Almeria City Council and Intelligent Cities Challenge Initiative (ICC)

Date and Time

21 November
09:00h - 10:00h
Room 7

Addressed to

Institutions, companies, sector professionals, national and international specialists and researchers.




0/50 pax

The Intelligent Cities Challenge Initiative (ICC) aims to help European cities move towards green and digital proximity economies, empowering their ecosystems and developing local green deals. With the ICC initiative Almeria becomes part of a European initiative that will allow it to boost and accelerate its development towards sustainable, smart and green growth with Almeria's green and digital transition projects in five sectors of strategic importance, with a high degree of local influence: tourism, construction and built environment, energy and sustainable mobility, and cultural and creative industries).

The goal of the ICC Seminar at the Sun&Blue Congress is to raise awareness of the ICC Initiative, in its dimension as a key initiative for European cities pursuing the double transition, and to share synergies with the initiative being promoted by the Junta de Andalucía and Almería of the Blue Municipalities, as well as to present and share success stories of ICC cities, which can be characterized as blue municipalities, in the double digital and green transition.


Round table open to all congress participants until full capacity is reached.

1. Register.
2. Purchase a general admission ticket to the congress.
3. Go back to the section of the side event you wish to attend and click the "register" button.
4. You will receive an automatic email confirming your registration for the side event.
5. If you are unable to attend, please release your spot.



09.00-10.00 h - Seminar Intelligent Cites Challenge Initiative: “Ecological and Digital Transition of Blue Municipalities”. 

Representative of the City Council of Almeria
Representative of DG Growth, European Commission
Representative of ICLEI
Representatives of the cities of Oporto, Benidorm and Castelldefels.