Miguel Mirones
President of the Institute for Spanish Tourism Quality (ICTE)

Miguel Mirones has more than 35 years of business and institutional experience in the tourism sector. He has been President of the National Association of Spas (ANBAL) and the Spanish Institute for Quality and Sustainability in Tourism (ICTES) since 2003, having been re-elected for different consecutive mandates. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of CEOE Spain and sits on the Board of Directors of the Spanish Confederation of Hotels and Tourist Apartments (CEHAT). In the business sphere, since 1994, he has presided over the Relais Termal Chain - the first Spa Chain in Spain and the second in Europe - with a presence in seven Autonomous Communities and to which currently belong the Spas of Liérganes in Cantabria, Cestona in Guipúzcoa, Acuña in Pontevedra, Graena and Lanjarón in Granada, Termas Pallarés in Zaragoza, Cervantes in Ciudad Real and Grávalos and Los Baños de la Albotea in La Rioja.