Speakers 2024

Michele Colavito, has an experience of more than 20 years in the participation and coordination of cooperation projects. Particularly important was the collaboration with the Italian Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities and for tourism from 2003 to 2015. From 2013, following the acquisition by the Ministry, of the competences relating to tourism, Michele Colavito was responsible for a cooperation project, named ARCHEOMEDSITES, funded in the framework of the ENI CBC MED 2007-2013 cross-border cooperation programme, with a total amount of around 2 million euros. The project aimed to identify shared tools to improve policies for the territorial development starting from the archaeological sites identified in Italy, Tunisia and Lebanon, whose respective national authorities responsible for the protection and enhancement of cultural heritage were involved as project partners. Moreover, starting from 2013 to 2022, Michele Colavito was appointed as senior expert at the Italian Agency for Territorial Cohesion (now Department for cohesion policies), as part of the activities to support the implementation of the 10 Italian-led Cooperation Programmes and the other 9 Programmes where Italy is involved. In this context, particularly important is the participation in the implementation of the governance project called PANORAMED, funded in the framework of INTERREG MED Programme, with specific reference to the activities carried out by the working groups on coastal and maritime tourism and to maritime surveillance as well as those specifically devoted to liaising. He has also collaborated with the Union for the Mediterranea on the specific topic of sustainable tourism. Since 2023, he is the Manager of the Tourism Clust-ER of Emilia-Romagna Region.