Speakers 2024

Historian, Archaeologist, and entrepreneur. He is currently the President of the Clúster Marítimo Marino de Andalucía. Among other roles, he also holds the presidency of the Comisión de Economía Azul of the Confederación de Empresarios de Andalucía and is a board member of the executive committee of the Confederación de Empresarios de Málaga (CEM).
He was Vice President of the Asociación de Jóvenes Empresarios de Andalucía and President of the Asociación de Jóvenes Empresarios of the province of Málaga.
In 2002, he founded Nerea Arqueología, a spin-off company of the Universidad de Málaga, pioneering in the use of technology for archaeological research and intervention on land and underwater. With this company, he received notable awards, including the Joven Empresario Award (2007) and the Socially Responsible Company Award (2009) granted by the European Commission for Industry and Enterprise.
He is the author of several scientific publications on maritime issues. Currently, he collaborates with ABC on a national level in "Espejo de Navegantes," a section dedicated to maritime and naval issues.