Sun&Blue Congress

BLUEJOBS. Employment opportunities in the sustainable coastal tourism sector and marine conservation

Organiza: blue-jobs

Fecha y hora

22 noviembre
09:00h - 11:00h
Sala 7

Dirigido a

Companies, university students, entrepreneurs and workers




3/30 pax

The objective of the workshop is to provide a comprehensive overview of the employment opportunities that the blue economy can offer, particularly in the sustainable coastal tourism sector. Various industry experts, including those from diving, marine protected areas, fishing tourism, cruises, and others, will describe the necessary skills and the professional profiles they seek for emerging jobs, as well as the challenges and opportunities in each sector. A networking space will allow for the establishment of strategic connections between leading companies in these fields and a diverse group of professionals and students, thus fostering collaboration and employment opportunities.


Evento abierto a todos los participantes del congreso hasta completar aforo.

1. Regístrate.
2. Adquiere una entrada general al congreso.
3. Vuelve a la sección del side event al que deseas asistir y pulsa el botón "inscribirme".
4. Te llegará un correo automático confirmando la inscripción al side event.
5. Si finalmente no puedes asistir, rogamos liberes tu plaza.


09:00 - 09:20  Presentation of job opportunities and trends within the sustainable and coastal tourism sector

  • Blue job opportunities and trends within blue economy and sustainable coastal tourism sector (Celia Murcia and Patricia Puig, Blue-jobs)
  • The role of the universities enhancing skills on marine sustainability and tourism (University of Almería and University of Murcia - TBC)

09:20- 09:40   Advancing Blue Skills and Careers for Sustainable Coastal Tourism: International Success Stories (Round table)

  • Successful EU-funded projects in the development of skills applied to the tourism sectors: ECO-CRUISING FU_TOUR and WeMED_Natour  (Marika Mazzi, X23) 
  • The role of clusters in enhancing sustainable tourism and blue skills (Michele Colavito, Emilia-Romagna Region)

09:40 - 10:30 Key Career Paths in Sustainable Coastal Tourism: Job Seeker Profiles and Essential Skills

  • The importance of joining efforts in the coastal tourism sector to promote job opportunities: the case of the region of Murcia (Dionisio García, EmTur - TBC).
  • Blutopia Marine Park: sustainable marine experiences (Anastasios Baltadakis, Blutopia)
  • Sustainable employment practices in hotels (Fede Cardona Pons IBEROSTAR)
  • Pesca-tourism: sustainable experiences in the marine and fishing environment (Manuel Trives, Turismo Marinero Murcia)

10:30-11:00 Networking and job fair